Rainbow girls earn merit awards for their activities and participation with their Assembly and for the service they offer others, and many scholarships are available for those seeking higher education. These awards are usually presented to the girls at the Installation of Officers which occurs every four or six months.
Merit Recognitions
When a girl becomes a member of Rainbow, she is expected to actively participate in the Assembly activities. To encourage this participation, she earns "points" which are recorded. As she accumulates points, she is rewarded with various items of recognition, the most noticeable being her Merit Bars, Pot of Gold, Wreath and, in some Assemblies, perfect attendance pins. The girls are encouraged and expected to display these awards each meeting.
MERIT BADGE: This is the first award earned by a new Rainbow member. It is earned by memorizing the Obligation. Depending on the traditions of each Assembly, it is acceptable for new members to either recite the Obligation at the altar during a meeting or to recite it only to the Mother Advisor or her adult designee. | |
RED MERIT BAR: This Merit Bar is earned by memorizing and reciting the American's Creed (found in the Ritual) to the Assembly, the Mother Advisor or adult designee, and earning 100 points (described below). OTHER MERIT COLOR BARS (6): These Merit Bars are awarded, in order, by earning an additional 100 points for each bar. | |
POT OF GOLD: The Pot of Gold is awarded after all other Merit Bars and an additional 100 points are earned. | |
WREATH: The Wreath is awarded after the Pot of Gold by correctly answering 20 specific questions about Rainbow's history and traditions. These questions are administered by the Mother Advisor or her adult designee within the traditions of the Assembly (i.e., publicly or in private.) (8/96) | |
PERFECT ATTENDANCE BAR(S): These awards are earned for perfect attendance for one year, which must be verified through the roll book. A perfect attendance bar (or certificate) may be awarded when the member has three or fewer excused absences which have been made up through her attendance at another Assembly's meeting; attendance must be verified. | |
PROFICIENCY: There are five levels of Proficiency available in Nevada. The first level, or Proficiency test is a test given to any Rainbow Girl who wishes to demonstrate a basic body of information and knowledge about Rainbow. A girl may then continue advancing through the next 4 levels during her time in Rainbow. Proficiency awards are given each year during Grand Assembly, and she should wear her pin at all meetings. Adults are encouraged to participate in our proficiency program. |
Adult Service Award
The Adult Service Award was designed about 10 years ago to recognize adults who give extraordinary service to IORG. It recognizes, at the same level, non-affiliated adults who are not be eligible for the Grand Cross of Color. Nevada IORG has many loyal and supportive parents working side-by-side with affiliated adults. The Adult Service Award may be awarded after 5 years of dedicated service.
Grand Cross of Color
This is the highest honor that the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls can bestow for service. It is given for exceptional service above and beyond that service usually required. This honor is conferred upon Rainbow Girls, Master Masons, and members of the Eastern Star annually. A Majority Member of Rainbow is also eligible to receive this award under certain circumstances.
The maximum number bestowed is based on the number of new members initiated into the Assembly during the year. One adult award may be given for each award given to a girl. There are never more adults than Rainbow Girls recognized for service. This honor is voted on by the Advisory Board of that year and approved by the Supreme Officer of the State. In Nevada, both girls and adults must be in Rainbow for at least 5 years to be considered for this award.