NOAH- Nevada's Oldies Are Helping

NOAH pin (Nevada's Oldies Are Helping)The NOAH Association was formed in order to be of service to the Grand Assembly of Nevada. The stated purpose of NOAH includes: raising funds to purchase needed items for Grand Assembly, and supporting the active membership of the Order.

Majority members and other adults, both female and male, can join NOAH. Dues are $10 annually, payable to Nevada Grand Assembly and should be mailed to Mrs. Heidi Haartz, 11178 Grazing Cattle Ln, Reno, NV 89521.

NOAH holds their annual meeting on Tuesday of Grand Assembly.

Majority Members

Majority Members are former members of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, usually called Alumni by other organizations. Membership in the Order ends when a girl reaches the age of "majority" - which is 20 in most cases. If a member of the Order marries before her twentieth birthday, she may receive a Marriage Majority.

Majority Members of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls are entitled to visit closed meetings of the Order, even if they are not a member of sponsoring organizations or a parent/legal guardian of a current member. Our Majority Members are valuable to us as mentors and advisors for various activities.

As a majority member you can continue your service activities and support active Rainbow Girls in theirs.

Majority Cards

If you were a member of Rainbow in your youth, but do not have a Majority card, please contact the Supreme Office at 918-423-1328. If you were a member in good standing (all dues and fees paid) at the time you reached the age of 20, obtaining a Majority card is a very simple process. If you were Suspended as a member because fees were not paid, these fees can be paid, as well as dues that would have been due through your majority year, and a Majority card may be issued. Please contact the Supreme Office for details, and for consideration of any special circumstances.

Alumni Association

In 2003, the International Order of Rainbow for Girls established an International Alumni Association in order to develop a database of Majority members, and help those alumni to become more involved at the local, Grand, or Supreme Assembly.

In order to join the International Association, please click here to print out an Alumni Form and send it with your lifetime fee of $15 at the following address:

Green Arrow

Contact Information
Daytime Phone:
email address:

Rainbow Girls Involvement

Girl Member   Parent
Majority Member   Committee Member
Advisory Board Member   Not been involved before

 How Long were you involved?

As a girl member?  


As an adult member?  



What is your fondest memory of your time in Rainbow?
What is your funniest experience?
In what way does/ did your IORG experiences impact your life?

Request For Reconnecting
Please contact me:        Yes       No
I would like more information about programs in Southern Nevada.
I would like information about about programs in Northern Nevada.
I would like more information about volunteer opportunities.
I am interested in reconnecting with other alumnae through the Alumni Association or NOAH
I would like to learn more about giving opportunities.


Green Arrow